Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Documentary Photography Intro

After scanning the internet for about a half hour, I came upon this picture entitled “new labour.” Once I saw the picture I knew it was the one. It immediately gave me a sense of defiance and anarchy. This picture was found on under the album, “not in my name.” There is clear visual hierarchy in this photo. When observing this picture, the first thing I realize is the two large white arrows pointing directly towards me, and away from the large crowd of people storming the street. Just by glancing at the photo, I can see that the people in this picture must all be working together, or have the same feelings about something. There is obviously something important happening in this photo because of the fact that so many people are joined together in the middle of the street, which would typically be a place for people to quickly transport. The landscape in the photo would normally give me a sense of danger, but the fact that so many people have congregated in the same place makes me feel very welcome.

"New labour” was taken in London, England in April of 2003. At the time, the governing party in was called “The Labour Party,” which explains the pun in the title of the photograph “new labour.” It was taken right in the heat of the invasion of Iraq, which was led by The United States of America, but was backed by British forces. Although the United States was the main force in this war with 248,000 troops, Great Britain had the second most with 45,000. The leaders of these nations claimed that the reason for the war was “to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people.” Several countries in Europe were opposed to the war. Opinion polls taken in Spain and Italy revealed that upwards of 90% of the population opposed the war. In London, it is estimated that between one and two million people marched in the streets to protest the war. There were over 600 cities across the world that marched during the time of invasion, which The Guinness Book of World Records estimates as the largest mass protest movement in history.

The fact that this picture, along with every other picture in the album is taken in black and white gives it sharp detail especially on the main focal points, the arrows, but makes sure that the highlights of the photo are not completely blown out. There are smoother transitions from shade to shade and it is overall, a lot easier to view. The photo is also slightly tilted, which makes it seem like the viewer is part of the crowd. This photo really makes the viewer feel like he/she is a part of what is happening. When I viewed this photo, I felt an immediate connection. I felt as though I was being pulled into the picture. It was as if I was walking behind the crowd of protesters. I felt a direct connection with the people in the street. They seemed like the same kind of people as me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Photography Post

Photography is something that has always interested me, but I have never thought of it as something that I would like to get myself in to. I have owned one camera in my life. I received it as a Christmas gift when I was in fourth grade. It was an extremely cheap camera and it only came with one roll of film. I used the film on the first day I had it, and never got it developed. Since then, I have lost my camera and have always wondered what exactly it was that I took pictures of.

Although I, myself have never been in to taking pictures, I do enjoy looking at photographs, specifically pictures taken in nature. I have a great appreciation for people who are good at photoshopping images. I have a friend from high school who was a phenomenal “photoshopper.” His work has always been very interesting to me. One of my favorite pictures he worked with is of Lil’ Wayne, seen here.

One of the reasons that I have never been able to become a good photographer is because I have never had the money to go out and buy a camera, but my mom has a Kodak EasyShare camera that she uses to take pictures of our family. The fact that I have very limited experience with photography is something that is somewhat bothersome to me, and is something that I think could become troublesome as we enter the next chapter. I think that I am going to have some problems with this chapter, but I think the fact that I have an interest in the subject should help resolve any trouble. I am not much of an “artsy” person and no one in my family has ever been very in to anything like that. I was brought up around an older brother who is a great athlete so I have always been pushed towards playing for athletic teams. I look forward to branching out and learning something new.