Monday, September 14, 2009

I selected this video, for one, because I love The Notorious B.I.G.’s music, and secondly because I find this song extremely inspirational. It does make several references to illegal drug use and violence, however I find Biggie’s drive, dedication and determination to make it to the top inspiring, and this song gives great insight as to some of the troubles he went through, particularly when things were at their roughest points and how he managed to pull himself out.
starts off the song with an incredibly powerful message. He says “this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin', to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the n***** in the struggle”

We are immediately able to understand why it is that he wants to make this song. This moment of logos suggests that Biggie wants all listeners to know that there are people that don’t understand his struggle. There are people who, although it may seem that they are doing the right thing by “calling the police on him” or trying to make him come to realization that if he didn’t start trying harder “he would never amount to nothin’.”

Typically, people are taught that such things like selling drugs, or “hustling” are bad things and that we should stray from doing these. Biggie wants us to understand that at some points in life, you have to do whatever it takes to get by. As listeners, we are forced to put ourselves into his shoes. Fortunately, most of us are blessed to never have to face situations like this. If you had a daughter and had no way of putting food on the table for her, what kinds of things would you resort to?

This moment of the song can also be ethos. Seeing that ethos is “what your audience sees in you,” Biggie immediately wants his audience to know that he isn’t some low down, scummy drug dealer. He’s a hard working, loving father who is willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to give his daughter a warm meal. He recalls “eating sardines for dinner.” He also states, “I made the change from a common thief, to up close and personal with Robin Leach.” Again, he is showing us that he was not blessed with having a great childhood and was forced to make some poor decisions to survive, but out of shear willpower and determination he came out on top.