Monday, September 21, 2009

Photography Post

Photography is something that has always interested me, but I have never thought of it as something that I would like to get myself in to. I have owned one camera in my life. I received it as a Christmas gift when I was in fourth grade. It was an extremely cheap camera and it only came with one roll of film. I used the film on the first day I had it, and never got it developed. Since then, I have lost my camera and have always wondered what exactly it was that I took pictures of.

Although I, myself have never been in to taking pictures, I do enjoy looking at photographs, specifically pictures taken in nature. I have a great appreciation for people who are good at photoshopping images. I have a friend from high school who was a phenomenal “photoshopper.” His work has always been very interesting to me. One of my favorite pictures he worked with is of Lil’ Wayne, seen here.

One of the reasons that I have never been able to become a good photographer is because I have never had the money to go out and buy a camera, but my mom has a Kodak EasyShare camera that she uses to take pictures of our family. The fact that I have very limited experience with photography is something that is somewhat bothersome to me, and is something that I think could become troublesome as we enter the next chapter. I think that I am going to have some problems with this chapter, but I think the fact that I have an interest in the subject should help resolve any trouble. I am not much of an “artsy” person and no one in my family has ever been very in to anything like that. I was brought up around an older brother who is a great athlete so I have always been pushed towards playing for athletic teams. I look forward to branching out and learning something new.

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