Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WP2 Statement of Purpose

Comics are written to provide entertainment to people. Sometimes it can be viewed as humorous, but other times comics are written thoughtfully and can have a lot of meaning behind them. No matter what the comic is written about or for, it always has a purpose.

In the comic above, two older aged people are seen wearing nothing but undergarments in a convenience store where they are clearly out of place due to the fact that they are not wearing proper clothes for going shopping in. The audience can tell from what the woman is saying that there is clearly no evidence of her being aware of the fact that she is completely out of place in her environment. The audience is also intrigued by the partially clothed couple solely because of the fact that in our society today, it is not acceptable to go out in public when you do not have “proper” clothes on. In almost any convenience store today these kind of people would be either arrested, asked to leave, or thought of as senile for so casually walking around in public.

We are able to tell that the lady on the left is being serious but doesn’t understand that no one else is able to take her seriously because of her physical appearance. She is given a goofy persona by the way the text is written, the curly, unkempt hair, and because of the clueless look on her face. The man on the left adds an incredible amount of character to the comic. Although he doesn’t say anything in the comic, he is clearly just as oblivious to being out of place as his wife is.

Most people would find this comic to be humorous, however an older audience may take offense to this kind of comic. Here, the older people are portrayed as being ignorant and senile. This puts old people into the stereotype that all older people are ignorant and dumb. Although this comic is humorous it is also very ageist. Ageism is the stereotyping and discrimination against individuals or groups because of their age.

This comic is saying that technology is making people more isolated. People forget how to act around others because technology is slowly making things easier and easier to do daily things. The people in this picture are used to shopping online “in the comfort of their own home,” but when their computer crashes they go to the store while they are still wearing the same clothes that they would normally wear, oblivious to the fact that that is not the way they should be dressed in public. Technology has taken us farther away from people. Take fast food for example. When you order from a place like Jimmy John’s, you have the option of calling for delivery and getting a sandwich within the next fifteen minutes of your phone call, or you can get on the internet and type in what you want without talking to a single employee. Technology is slowly making people become less social and takes us out of reality to get through life.

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