Monday, October 26, 2009

Comic Post #1

This comic illustrates three people who are shopping at a convenience store. The two people on the left look very worn and shaggy, almost like they had just gotten out of bed and they appear to be older, and possibly retired. They also are much heavier set than than the other citizen shopping alongside them. The woman says “We usually shop in the comfort of our own home but the bloody computer crashed.” The woman standing next to the disheveled couple is very taken aback by what she sees at the convenience store, after all it isn’t every day that you see people openly wearing nothing but undergarments out in public. It is clear that the woman on the right is confused as to what she sees because of her tilted head and her the fact that her eyes are slightly sagging, but what makes this comic so funny as that the older couple seem to not be aware that it is not normal to go out in public in the kind of condition that they are in. They are completely oblivious to the fact that they are making a scene at the convenience store.

The audience can tell from what the woman is saying that there is clearly no evidence of her being aware of the fact that she is completely out of place in her environment. The audience is also intrigued by the partially clothed couple solely because of the fact that in our society today, it is not acceptable to go out in public when you do not have “proper” clothes on. In almost any convenience store today these kind of people would be either arrested, asked to leave, or thought of as senile for so casually walking around in public.

The text in this comic is written in a goofy looking font. The woman saying this also has her tongue out and has a sort of “can you believe this?” look on her face. We are able to tell that the lady on the left is being serious but doesn’t understand that no one else is able to take her seriously because of her physical appearance. She is given a goofy persona by the way the text is written, the curly, unkempt hair, and because of the clueless look on her face. The man on the left adds an incredible amount of character to the comic. Although he doesn’t say anything in the comic, he is clearly just as oblivious to being out of place as his wife is. He also shows signs of being bed ridden because of his scruffy beard and frilly hair.

The pun in this comic is the fact that nowadays many people do their shopping online. Internet sites like, and often advertise with sayings that hint towards shopping being so easy that you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Overall, this comic was very clever and gave me a good laugh.

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